
Kintsugi Stained Glass – Embracing Imperfections to Create Art

As you excitedly unpack your new picture frame, you’re hit with a disappointing discovery: the glass is broken. While it’s not a huge issue and the frame wasn’t particularly expensive, it’s still frustrating to have your plans shattered, no matter how small they may have been. Usually, you would just throw away the frame, because

Kintsugi Stained Glass – Embracing Imperfections to Create Art Read More »

Kitchen wall panel

6♥ – Make a kitchen wall panel storage thingy (with a spice rack)

Some of my favorite projects in this challenge are those that are practical. I would’ve made this regardless of whether it was for the challenge or not. It was just something I need. Using it as the project for this week is just a bonus. The reason why I needed this is because I have

6♥ – Make a kitchen wall panel storage thingy (with a spice rack) Read More »