
How to keep your New Year’s resolutions… maybe… it kinda worked for me…

New Year’s resolutions are kind of a cliche and most people either do it for the meme or just from the New Year enthusiasm, and then they die out in a couple of weeks. But, I do think they can be used as a tool for good changes and fun experiments so here are my

How to keep your New Year’s resolutions… maybe… it kinda worked for me… Read More »

Kitchen wall panel

6♥ – Make a kitchen wall panel storage thingy (with a spice rack)

Some of my favorite projects in this challenge are those that are practical. I would’ve made this regardless of whether it was for the challenge or not. It was just something I need. Using it as the project for this week is just a bonus. The reason why I needed this is because I have

6♥ – Make a kitchen wall panel storage thingy (with a spice rack) Read More »